Hayden Painting is available to offer wallpaper solutions as part of our decorating service. We’re extremely experienced in the application of all types of wallpaper; from traditional woven wallpaper to the modern non-woven wallpaper options. Our experienced team can estimate the exact amount of wallpaper needed for any given job, saving our clients money by keeping waste and unused paper to an absolute minimum. Our team remove old wallpaper and prep the wall for the application process. This ensures that any wallpaper installed by Hayden Painting is guaranteed to last.
We continue to offer clients the very highest standards of wallpapering services. We leverage over 3 decades of experience with a team of properly trained wallpaper application experts.
Our time tested application techniques are tidy, fast and extremely effective.
By taking the time to properly prep the application area, we can ensure that our wallpaper can potentially last a lifetime.
How long does a wallpapering application last?
This is dependent on the size of the application area. Our Dublin wallpapering experts take pride in the speed of our application techniques and the quality of the hung paper. Before the project begins we can give clients an accurate timetable of the expected application time
Is it cheaper to paint or wallpaper a room?
On a purely cost for cost analyse it is normal to just paint a room. However, wallpaper has a longer life-span and may end up saving the homeowner money in the long run.
Can wallpaper damage a wall?
Damage to the wall is possible while the wallpaper is being removed. Our team of Dublin wallpaper experts use modern and safe techniques to remove old wallpaper while ensuring the wall is left in pristine condition.